Anonymous User 17603124Inactive
I found the code to hide comments in the activity stream. Adds an additional button (show / hide comments)
How can I add the number of comments for the current post?
I have something like that made by @shay1383
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.activity-comments ul li[id^="acomment-"]{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul li[id^="acomment-"]');
return false;
For comments button, the number of commentators is displayed by:
<a href="<?php bp_activity_comment_link(); ?>" class="button acomment-reply bp-primary-action" id="acomment-comment-<?php bp_activity_id(); ?>"><?php printf( __( 'Comment %s', 'buddypress' ), '<span>' . bp_activity_get_comment_count() . '</span>' ); ?></a>
But if I use it, the same number of comments appear under each post. How to make it work?
Wordpress 5.2.2, Buddypress 4.3.0 Reign theme from Wbcom
I’ve got this code to hide comments by default with a show/hide option on each activity update, and it’s working fine on my staging site. Ideally though I’d like to display 3 comments by default with a read more option. I’ve read that BP uses a WP config to set the number of comments displayed initially, but the posts I’ve read seem to indicate that was on older versions. Is there a configuration I can set to show the number of comments by default, (In which case I could dispense with the code module) or do I need to modify this code. If the latter, any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘add_comment_hide_show’ );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.activity-comments ul{display: none;}
<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$(‘.activity-meta’).each(function() {
if( !$(this).find(‘.show-comments’).length ){
var html = ‘Show/Hide‘;
}, 500);
$(‘body’).on(‘click’, ‘.show-comments’, function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest(‘.activity-content’).next(‘.activity-comments’).find(‘ul’);
return false;
sorry, copy that one:
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.activity-comments ul li[id^="acomment-"]{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul li[id^="acomment-"]');
return false;
add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘add_comment_hide_show’ );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.activity-comments ul li[id^=”acomment-“]{display: none;}
<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$(‘.activity-meta’).each(function() {
if( !$(this).find(‘.show-comments’).length ){
var html = ‘Show/Hide Comments‘;
}, 500);
$(‘body’).on(‘click’, ‘.show-comments’, function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest(‘.activity-content’).next(‘.activity-comments’).find(‘ul li[id^=”acomment-“]’);
return false;
Global.js is related to BP Default theme which is no more used since 1.9.
The “new” js you can check for comment count is \buddypress\bp-templates\bp-legacy\js\buddypress.js:667
I don’t know how the default 5 count is set before firing Show all X comments link. But i haven’t read very attentively the whole js file.
If your goal is to gain some place on activity feeds, you may use a show/hide comment button ?
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.single-group .activity-comments ul{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul');
return false;
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
Or if you want to limit the number of comment a member can leave on activities, BPDEVEL has a premium plugin called BP Rate Limit User Activity which can do that.
On Trac, some very old tickets about comments: #2768, #1870
Perhaps @dcavins can tell you more about this ?
I am interested in “Show/Hide Comments” and I found the following code for that :
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.single-group .activity-comments ul{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul');
return false;
And it is working good when I add it to functions.php but the problem is that by default it shows all the comments and it hides the comments when we click on the “Show/Hide Comments” button. Can anybody edit it so that by default it hides the comments and when we click on the button then it shows the comments.
Alternatively, I am also interested in “Show/Hide Comments” and I found the following code for that : –
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.single-group .activity-comments ul{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul');
return false;
And it is working good when I add it to functions.php but the problem is that by default it shows all the comments and it hides the comments when we click on the “Show/Hide Comments” button. Can anybody edit it so that by default it hides the comments and when we click on the button then it shows the comments.
here’s a working snipppet found on WPMUDev which add a show/hide comments button above each activity item.
To see the button you must enable “allow blog and forum comments” in BP settings.
Add the script to bp-custom.php or child theme functions.php
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'add_comment_hide_show' );
function add_comment_hide_show() {
.single-group .activity-comments ul{display: none;}
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
setInterval(function() {
$('.activity-meta').each(function() {
if( !$(this).find('.show-comments').length ){
var html = '<a href="#" class="button bp-primary-action show-comments">Show/Hide Comments</a>';
}, 500);
$('body').on('click', '.show-comments', function(e) {
var obj = $(this).closest('.activity-content').next('.activity-comments').find('ul');
return false;
I have included the following code, to show and hide the comments, but how I can show and hide the add new Comment textbox too? Actually, I can only show the add new Comment textbox, and if I click on the 1 Comment, the textbox doesnt hide, but the other comments hide.