what i have in mind is outsourced the media hosting to imageshack or tinypic or divshare….
so that users can upload directly to those host from the posting dashboard.
too bad this divshare plugin not working anymore
I just came across an absolutely amazing video module for drupal at
also a video showing how it works at
After watching the video, I installed a drupal site onto a dev server with the plugin, and I have to say it’s absolutely fantastic. I don’t believe they missed anything with this plugin.
As we have the ‘framework’ for video for wordpress, I wonder how hard it would be to ‘adapt’ their code concept to wordpress. (Actually I’m kinda shocked that wordpress does not already have something better as wordpress community is huge)
my setup
centos / apche /mysql
php5 – do not forget php-xml
wp 2.7
bp v1 – with hacked plugin commader
kalturaCE – hosted on my server
kaltura all in one plugin – 2.2 – saw some have issues with 2.3
Kaltrua has upload and manage videos
upload from all major sources including youtube, etc..
pictures, music…
trying to get the webcam piece integrated, dont have this running.
Rest of features outlined on the kaltua site.
has like user edits, collaboration mixes etc.. a bunch of stuff.
very nice slick clean videos.
What about a plugin that integrates to Blip.tv through their API? Wouldn’t have to worry about hosting and their player works on iPhone.
Also, if it’s a stand-alone plugin, I’d like to have some sort of advertising controls; option to play pre/post-roll and maybe an overlay.
Which ever the way, I could probably chip in some dollars to aid development.
@Cdaniel,Does the upload media get self hosted and can you share the plugin?
@Cdaniel, Can you share the plugin or details how to set it up?
@Dallasclark, any update on the progress?
@Dallasclark, How is it going on the project?
@Cdaniel, Can you give us detail guide lines on how to set-up kalturaCE server on BP?
Hi all,
by the way, Kaltura is currently funding the development of CMS integration plugins … visit …
Up to 3,000 + 1,500 USD.
BR, Peer
Oh I see someone beat me up on this 
Check out the challenge on Kaltura Frenzy Contest – You can win up to $5000 cash total..
Go to the challenge!
@Cdaniel, You should look into Kaltura Frenzy Contest?
Hi Cdaniel,
are there any good news whether you will implement the plugin on the basis of the Kaltura Frenzy Contest?
I am very interested in this plugin, and I am willing to chip in monetarily to make this happen. Is there any update to the progress?
This is from ” Currently looking for someone interested, there’s a 5K$ grant under Frenzy challenge waiting ” to build a buddypress media plugin.
Any takers?
Finally it’s here. with the great contribution of rtCamp*, you can now download the Kaltura-BuddyPress component:
Please share your thoughts and feedback on the kaltura.org forums.
This looks really promising! I’ll install it right away and let you know what my experiences are!
edit: Does it support BP 1.1 ?
It appears to be build around BP1.0. To bad, though, I think most folks would benefit from BP1.1 as WordPress users are used to quick updates, so I’m not sure how much attention the plugin will receive. Hopefully it won’t be to long for a BP1.1 and higher version.
Looks like a good start though on the demo.
check out the BuddyPress-Kaltura Media Component developed by rtCamp Solutions at this link. ..http://www.wpveda.com/buddypress-kaltura-media-component/
FYI http://www.wpveda.com/buddypress-kaltura-media-component/ error message !
Its good to know that people are still interested on the project !
Can this be self-hosted ? open source Kaltura media server
The Kaltura plugin still indicates that it requires BP 1.0.3. I would recommend waiting until it has been updated to 1.1.2 or later.
The developers of the plugin should be using the trunk version of BuddyPress to update their plugin, possibly waiting until the 1.2 release of BP to reoffer their work.
I just tested it. It works more or less ok. The theming doesn’t work properly under BP 1.1.2., but the Rest seems ok. It would be great, if in a future release it would actually add to the activity-stream when I add video/audio/photo.
But I would also say: wait – and see…
If there are features you would like to see in this particular plugin, then I suggest posting a comment on their blog.
@Michael Berra, contact the developer .. but I want to self host the media using the open source Kaltura media server
Maybe we all should contact him as well !