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Re: Creating accounts with Facebook plugin (wp-fb-autoconnect)

I am definitely interested in this too. Taking it a step further, it would be nice to make users complete a full profile for the site after logging in through Facebook. Right now the WP-FB-autoconnect works great, creates the user and logs them in – but then it brings them back to the homepage without filling out the rest of their profile.

When you create an account in BP without logging in through facebook, the BP registration page asks users to complete all the required and optional fields in the profile – but I haven’t found a way to do this with Facebook, it just gives them a user name and logs them in. So I think what would need to happen is that after the facebook connect, the registration process isn’t complete – it points them back to the BP registration page (or something like it) where they can finish entering other required and optional fields.

Any ideas on how this might work?

A workaround might be that on the *first* login only, the user is redirected to the edit profile page, and on subsequent logins they’re redirected to the homepage and logged in normally.

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