Re: How to make “about me” kinda profile field?
We have to workaround this issue.
function my_fix_linking(){
remove_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value',
'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 2 );
add_filter( 'bp_the_profile_field_value',
'my_filter_link_profile_data', 2, 3 );
add_action('bp_member_theme_functions', 'my_fix_linking');
function my_filter_link_profile_data($field_value,
$field_type = 'textbox', $field_id){
if ( 'textbox' == $field_type)
return $field_value;
else xprofile_filter_link_profile_data($field_value, $field_type);
That will stop linking any field that is a text box.
function my_filter_link_profile_data($field_value,
$field_type = 'textbox', $field_id){
if ( 999 == $field_id)
return $field_value;
else xprofile_filter_link_profile_data($field_value, $field_type);
That will stop linking for the field whose field_id is 999.
Your choice. I haven’t tested the above code but it should work. Add the code above to your bp-custom.php file. If you don’t have one create one in /mu-plugins.