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Re: No Group Forums



O . M . G .

After 2 DANG DAYS of going thu EVERYTHING, i mean every dang file. I could rewrite it i’ve been thu every line of code.

I was having the VERY same problems Jugoretz was having and GUESS WHAT WAS WRONG?!?!?


You have to use the bottom link on bbpress download site for the latest beta or alpha, RC whatever the heck it is.

You can’t use the “normal” release… as of this posting.

geez did i miss the versions? Did someone really already say this!?


Convert it… here we go

Just nuke all the files in your /bbpres_install_dir

Leave your database file alone, it will fix them for you.

copy over the CORRECT VERSION of bbpress BETA/ALPHA/RC whatever it is now… (bottom link on download from bbpress)

visit your forum again, it’ll give you the install page again, go thu the install, i just selected the keymaster account i had setup and then hit up the settings page, the dang options they say to click ARE THERE now (go figure) and then enter in your salts it tells you what to do (simple) then…

(What i did) For the hell of it i made a new forum just to make sure… like “hi” or something…

Said ok, let’s try again (with sleepy eye’d look on my face)

when into the WPMu and checked and submitted the settings again for my keymaster account in the forum options.

Then… When straight to the groups, made me a new group and BAM it’s it in the forums, I’ve got the forum icon on the left in and an option to then off discussions…

I’ve been up like 21 hours or something, sorry if my post is WACK, but guys for about 2 days i thought i was losing my mind and what just about to give up on it all. Everything I read sounded right but didn’t work, i must of flipped the “enable wire” switch like 4000 times, geez…

Anyways, these problems are clearly people not using the ***LATEST*** version of bbpress!

wow, my head hurts.

/end of rant and rave

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