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Re: Unable to post on my website in forum discussion



Well, now I am on a shared hosting service. I honestly have no idea how to check the cookies from the website directly even from the cpanel.

I really do like WordPressMU and buddypress, and my main goal was to use buddy press’s group forum discussions, which utilize bbpress.

I had this working before, and now it just keeps giving some error when I try to post a forum topic in the group discussions:

“There was an error posting that topic.”

Is there any error logs that buddypress, wordpress mu or bbpress produces that can at least show me what in the world is causing the error?

I went into my CPANEL and there are no errors being shown in its error logs.

I thought it was BBPRESS 1.0.1, so I downgraded to BBPRESS 1.0, and keep in mind I created a whole new sql database and username during this, and of course that didnt work.

Then I downgraded to BBPRESS 1.0-RC3, and that didn’t work either. Nothing really has changed, except for bbpress. I have double checked the wp_config and bb_config keys and they all match up perfectly.

However, the cookie hash key has remained the same throughout the entire situation, even after creating new databases and such.

I honestly can’t think of anything else to really do here. I guess, I’m stuck.

For now, I will keep trying, but I’m also just going to look for something else in the mean time to see if anything else is out there. I doubt it, but couldn’t hurt to look.

I truly hope somebody has something else to add regarding my issues, because I honestly have no idea what to do next.

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