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Re: Please Help Fix Bugs for 1.0.4



wpmu 2.8.1

bp 1.0.3 trunk version

bbpress 1.0.1

here is my bug list. I read the trac message mentionned above and made my own change. Anyway all i listed here is already not working.

I suggest you go to the site and terst yourself (it’s a test site straigth out of the box)

May this help.

Group page – main content

Topic list is showing well.

This is a link from one of the topic. When click on it, it brings me to the homepage.

Same thing with the “view all topics” link

Group page – Forum button

Menu is ok, but when i click on “forum”, the right col “main content” becames blank.

The admin bar disapear also

Group page – Wire

“view all” brings me to the homepage

Group page – create a group

The 4 menu options (details, settings,…)in maincontent are no more translated

After the group is created, when i go to the new group admin, the options are translated.

on step 2, the forum option is deactivated.

The permanent warning message about configuration is not necessary for ordinary user, because they can’t never install bbPress, even if they are blog admin or there own group forum master.

Anyway, this means to create a group first, then finish the whole register process, saving and to come back to the group to activate the forum. Not sure if this is a bug, but it’s anoying.

Once the group is created, the forum option is not appearing at all.

Group page – wire

unable to create a message. When posting, i flip to the homepage without any error message.

Group page – change group avatar

This is impossible ! I load a new image, loader is turning a little, and… nothing happens.


I uploaded the 1.0.3 latest release version and changed the whole bp-theme/group folder from trunk to latest release.

Now, i can change group avatar.

Also, can you explain me the difference between the two folder, the trunk version has a very different content.

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