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Re: ¿Included BBPress in BuddyPress or integrate standalone BBPress?

John James Jacoby



The data in the database is safe, but you’d go back to the old “deep integration” method of making them look and play nicely together. You could either rename the DB tables to use the bb_ prefix instead of wp_bp_, or you could specify wp_bp_ as the custom prefix during reinstallation of bbPress.

Then you’d go the same old route of using the integration plugins to share cookies, etc.

Your question also depends on whether or not you’re going to keep group forums. If yes, then group forums already know which forum_id they’re linked to, and BuddyPress will continue to use its own internal bbPress to write to and read from the DB, while your separate installation will be the one that works for your “forum root.” If you choose to ditch group forums, then you’ll want to visit your bbPress site-admin and rearrange and change your forum settings and descriptions to make more sense.

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