Re: create blog in bp 1.1.3 adds activity twice
Cheers Anton,
Dunno ’bout elegant solution,
But I found something that works.
BP 1.2 has “action” field in its wp_bp_activity table.
This field should not be empty.
Yeah, I know that’s smells like phpmyadmin.
Compare an activity made by BP 1.1.3 and BP 1.2 side by side with phpmyadmin.
One good example is deprecated bp-status component
you can morph’em into this one
— component: activity
— type: activity_update
— content: [erase anything but your status]
— primary link: [no need any href] http://wpmu.local/members/antonrsa/
— action: [a href=”…” title=”antonrsa”]Anton[/a] posted an update:
For quick fix, just change the action field.
Be careful while experimenting with this. I’m a BP noob.