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Re: bp-events update



There are many people who would gladly donate time and money to help Erwin with this. Not sure if you saw this, but Andy is about to make this much easier:

Andy Peatling (6 days ago): I’m working on a new version of this site that will automatically create a group for every new BuddyPress plugin that appears in the repo. This means plugins will get all the functionality of BP groups – a forum, activity stream, a list of members who are interested in the plugin, etc etc. I’m also going to add a donate page, which should help out a bit.

This has been held up a little right now because I’m trying to get the new upgrade/install wizard done first. This will allow BP to use WordPress pages instead of hacking with root components. It’s all bits of the jigsaw that need to be put in place before I can continue. Hopefully by the end of the month I should have at least the first iteration of the site close to completion.

Ultimately, this is Erwin’s baby, so he’s free to develop this at his own pace and according to his own specifications.

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