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Re: Need a video plugin, for video community



@xevo Yes the same can be done with post types within the same blog I guess i was using a whole other sub blog to act like a “post type” in a way…it hasn’t really been too much work from my end to do it the way i said but yea I will be moving to post types and I imagine it would be the same amount of work with creating the frontend form for users to add videos and customizing post templates to display the posts and archives in more of a video layout….still would need to figure out how to show author’s video posts separate from other post types to display as “my-library” and customize video post archives templates different from other post-type archives to give you the video community look and feel that @cavamondo is referring to. you can see sample on the channel section of my page.

bpalbum could work as well in a limited way, I like the control and all the options of using Posts, archives and authors. You would have to put in all that work you talked about into figuring how to manipulate all the user bp album videos for the site to display them in other pages, sections and search, when you could just inherit that from wp and inherit plugins too like ratings.

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