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Re: Installed and activated BuddyPress = Wall of Warnings!



@DJPaul and @mercime Here is my set up:
I installed wp 3.0.1 in a subdirectory ( – Works, no issues
I then installed latest buddypress (v -activated it – White screen of death– I put debug mode on and I get the errors anca posted above.
I then researched some more and activated network mode for multiple blogs (even though i don’t need multiple blogs) –activated buddy press site wide and it works— partly. Now profile pages are not showing up. I am at a loss here. I don’t understand why buddypress breaks when you install on sub directories and sub domains. It only works for me when I install it on a clean domain. I didn’t have this problem w 2.92 and older buddypress, however, i need to move my sites to 3.0 and this is giving me a lot of grief. If anyone could help out, that would be great.

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