Re: 404 /blog /members etc… RC2 WPMU 2.7.1
Freaking Wildchild-
Well, what is surprising to me is that you were trying to debug this with plugins other than BuddyPress running. qTranslate is a WordPress plugin.
In the fifth post in this thread, Burt advised you to:
Disable all other plugins
I had been under the assumption from that point on –even with your new attempt at a fresh install–that you did not have any other plugins installed and activated other than BuddyPress.
When trying to debug something as complex as WPMU + BuddyPress, you need to remove as many variable from the equation as possible. That means, among other things, deactivating all plugins other than BP.
Anyway, it looks like you have your culprit narrowed down. I’d suggest contacting the qTranslate plugin dev and asking for help.