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Re: Add Friend – not adding

Burt Adsit


@awarner20 your problem with the email friendship requests is a bug. Can’t be solved with a one liner. Sorry. I did submit a workaround patch in trac though:

It eliminates the problem by eliminating the problem. Lemme explain. When a user requests friendship an email is sent out to the destination user. The destination user is supposed to click the link and it automatically approves or rejects the request. Doesn’t work due to the fact that a security mechanism is being used to validate the process. The ‘nonce’ security scheme uses the originating user’s identity and some other stuff to come up with this ‘nonce’ key. The key is only valid when used by the originating user.

When the destination user clicks on the link the key is used but they are not the originating user. So the security check fails. Andy is aware of the problem. I just removed the automatic accept/reject links and used a link to the destination user’s friendship notifications page where it will have to be manually accepted or rejected.

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