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Re: Avatar image problem – other fixes don’t work

Jeff Sayre


Uploading and cropping avatars appears to go fine – it even displays the proper thumbnail for each..they result in broken image links.

According to your posts, you have no problems uploading and cropping an image file. They get added to the blogs.dir directory. Otherwise, you would not be seeing them displayed, as you state.

But then you state this:

I look at that directory and the other images are there, but *not* the jpg (ie, owen3.png)

[later you state]

the jpegs seem to be what are missing. libjpeg does itself seem to be working as we can upload and crop jpegs elsewhere.

Look at the link you’ve provided. Those two-digit numbers preceded by the % sign are a two-digit hexadecimal representation of special characters in the URL encoding.

%20 --> equals a space
%27 --> equals an apostrophe

So your URL really looks like this: 'wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/21/owen3.jpg' is not an image

Notice the space after the word “File” and the apostrophe before the “wp-content”. You also have more special characters after the jpg file extension.

Basically, this link is stating this:

'wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/avatars/21/owen3.jpg' is not an image

What file type are you initially uploading for use as your avatar? Is it a jpeg or png? What size?

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