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Re: Avatars Not Uploading, No Crop Function, Constant Issue



These things come to mind

1. Did you move BP installation from blog_id_1 to blog_id_2 during development or was your BP installed in blog_id_2 at the onset? I came across some cases like that while browsing online. Will have to search for those … just scanned over the info because those issues were not relevant to my installs, but what I recall is moving some folders in server and some DB manipulations.

2. GD Library – when you upload images in posts/pages, does your install generate the 150px x 150px and 300px x 300px etc?

Check if wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2009/12/ has original-image.jpg, original-image-150×150.jpg, original-image-300×300.jpg … because if it’s not generating thumbnails in regular media upload in posts/pages, then that might be the reason why it’s not cropping in your install and you might want to contact your hosting about GD library

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