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Re: Blank page after install Buddypress 1.1.2

Paul Wong-Gibbs


DB tables not being created is an odd one. On a pristine, virgin WPMU setup, when installing BuddyPress and clicking ‘activate sitewide’ (or whatever it is) in the admin plugin page, it obviously tells WPMU to load this plugin on each page load from then on.

What BuddyPress does as soon as it is included (i.e. when the admin page reloads itself to show you that the ‘plugin has been activated’ successfully), is check to see if certain values exist in the wp_sitemeta DB table – i.e. bp-activity-db-version, bp-core-db-version and so on. If those aren’t set, then the SQL is run to create the database tables.

As an aside, this is what people run into when they delete the BuddyPress plugin files and DB tables in an attempt to “reinstall” BuddyPress – the tables are never recreated because those database records in wp_sitemeta still exist (so BuddyPress thinks it is still installed). Bit of a long shot but none of you have done this?

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