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Re: BP GroupBlog, P2 ready (with bugs)! Please review…



well I have made multiple attempts with multiple fresh installs (just wpmu/bp no other plugins but yours, and default theme). bp-groupblog 1.4.4 –not an upgrade started with 1.4.4, checked meta table and no issues there

Without exception on every install, I am able to create the first group without problems. Even if I choose to have bpgroups create the group for me, it does create it as a subdomain which is perfect.

However, I cannot create a group blog for any further groups on any install. Basically I end up with a bunch of server errors which I mentioned above when I click on the group ‘blog’ link. The group is created ok as is the group forum. It’s just the blog step that gets messed up.

I have no idea whatsoever where to go from here.

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