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Re: BP-Slick – Probably THE BEST BP theme I’ve ever seen.

Glenn Kilpatrick


Hope you dont think Im rude, Im just saying what I see. No point in lieing. I am looking for a god quality premium theme. However, when I look at the demo on the site I am thinking this is not much of an improvement on the default buddypress theme, A few changes of colour, text and images, but nothing substantial.

If I was trying to sell a premium theme I would make the demo show that theme and have plenty of data on the site to illustrate how the theme looks right across the board. The current demo wont sell anything.

I am certainly interested in seeing what people make with the theme and if it looks good I would buy it. I am also looking at the wpmudev themes in particular blogsmu which I really like, but I refuse to pay for upgrades, I dont mind paying a one off fee upto $100 but upgrades must be free.

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