Re: bp_filter_request: What does it do and how does it work?
Actually, figured out a much simpler and easier way to hook into what I need…little did I realize that the groups-loop.php and members-loop.php pages each had actions I could hook into –> right exactly where I needed them. Sharing here for the benefit of others, this is what I’ve loaded in functions.php in my child theme:
function load_directory_panel() {
locate_template(array(“directory-panel.php” ), true);
add_action(‘bp_after_directory_members_list’, ‘load_directory_panel’);
add_action(‘bp_after_groups_loop’, ‘load_directory_panel’);
Doing something roughly like this, though I may break the groups/members panel pages out into separate pages for separate content. But that’s the gist of it. Yay!