Re: bpContents 1.0 Alpha 2 Released
Is it possible with this plugin to have the user actually choose from a preselected sub-list of what tags they want to add?
1. I create category ‘church affiliation’
2. under that category I create sub-cats like
The user then selects ‘baptist’ so the tag ‘baptist’ is added to their group/blog. Then I could create a widget to display all the groups/blogs belonging to tag ‘baptist’… that would make it really easy to sort the members.
The reason I ask about sub-cats is because I am concerned that if they put in their own tag I could end up with either misspellings etc that would end up ‘orphaning’ the group/blog from that category.
There are only a ‘short list’ of categories that I want to ‘force’ the user to choose from such as above. There are many other categories that I would like to add, where user input of the tag itself is preferred, which is obviously the way the system seems to work now.
I can see a ‘future’ where I could somehow tie the category questions to a page the user is presented with after registration like many other sites do. That way from the get go I can sort brand new groups/blogs properly.
We already have something like I describe above for the members profile itself, just curious if this would work for groups/blogs as I don’t seem to find the same type of category choices when creating a new group/blog
thanks again for such a great plugin. I can really see using this one a lot!