Re: BuddyPress – Events Component (like facebook)
@21cdb Wow. Good catch! Why did I not know about this plugin?! Maybe I looked at it months ago and discounted it because of the fee and the fact that bp-events was looking good at the time. I’d be more than happy to pay if it’s a decent plugin. I wish they had demo pages of their plugins so you could try before you buy. But it looks good based on the description. Directory listings. Groups and Profile integration. Calendar views. And even Google Maps integration (probably a simple feature to add… but still cool).
The only thing is… I would not mind paying. $79 is a small price to pay. But I’d hate to join just for that one plugin and then drop my membership and miss out on any and all future updates. Hmm. And there’s no way I can afford $79/mo. on an ongoing basis.
I also just posted asking if it will work with 1.2.