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Re: Buddypress for Dummies – is it worth it, or is the best place to learn online?



Lol, yes, I am a troll.
I am old and smell funny and live in a cave.

Look, in today’s economic climate, the job market is pretty much empty, even in Australia. Even if you do get a job with a company, then you’re hard pressed to pay rent and bills, and you can never think of buying a house.

The only option left is web-development and small business. I’m sorry I got upset about it yesterday, but it’s really frustrating when you get to a golden package like Buddypress and you find that they documentation is really sparse. Then you find that there’s a book out there specifically about the package, and all that’s in it are the installation instructions and how to use the admin panel.

For the record, there’s a second book called ‘WordPress for Dummies’, so that’s why I thought it wasn’t right that her first half of the book is about WordPress.

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