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Re: BuddyPress Share It button live



Hi @modemlooper, uploaded your plugin in test install (BP on WP 3.0.1 multisite subdomain upgraded from WPMU 2.9.2).
– In admin’s activity panel, the list which should come out when the Share button is clicked on is already there listed vertically, and twitter, facebook, etc button images are not showing up. Clicking on each no-image social area does bring up respective login pop-ups.
– In group’s activity panel, clicking on Share button in group header does not open up the social buttons, and the same vertical list with no button images happens here as well. Clicking on each no-image social area does bring up respective login pop-ups.
– I then disabled all WP and BP plugins except BuddyPress and Share It plugin, cleared cache but same behavior shows in the test install. I still have the mu-plugins working but those are tested in many WPMU/MS installs and deal with security.
– On another note, I’ve tested so many BP plugins in this test install I’m surprised it’s turning out this way, so will be checking your plugin in virgin install tomorrow. Crossing my fingers.

Thank you.

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