Re: calling specific profile fields individually
This works great on single field entries, but for checkboxes it outputs stuff like
a:3:{i:0;s:19:”Beschaffung/Einkauf”;i:1;s:26:”Marketing & -kommunikation”;i:2;s:20:”Strategie/Innovation”;}
where as in the sidebar (random member) it comes through just fine.
How can I fix this?
the random profile data function does some magic like this:
function bp_the_site_member_random_profile_data() {
1138 global $site_members_template;
1140 if ( function_exists( 'xprofile_get_random_profile_data' ) ) { ?>
1141 <?php $random_data = xprofile_get_random_profile_data( $site_members_template->member->id, true ); ?>
1142 <?php echo wp_filter_kses( $random_data[0]->name ) ?>
1143 <?php echo wp_filter_kses( $random_data[0]->value ) ?>
1144 <?php }
1145 }
How can I apply that to James’ code above to fix the output?