Re: Can’t delete items off wire – error message
Hey! Thanks for your speedy response. I’ve looked further into this and here’s what I have for you.
Deleting Wire Posts- Users:
1. Going from My Account -> Wire -> All Posts
Yields Error, post disappears from page
2. Me -> Wire -> All Posts Yields Error, Posts Disappears
3. Clicking on own profile, and deleting wire posts from profile index page
Wire post could not be deleted, please try again.
Same thing happens when the user is or is not a friend of the user, or writing on their own wire.
Deleting Wire Posts – Groups
1. Yields error group index page, in every combination possible.
2. Same errors for users attempting to delete their own wires.
Looking at the database table entry for wp_bp_xprofile_wire, the deleted posts are actually gone. I think the issue with the “sometimes not disappearing” was with the last trunk install (revision 796).
If I reinstall my current trunk, same errors all around. (Just thought I should cover all my bases)Anything else I should try?