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Re: Categorize registered users



To create a directory of services for a specific community.

The registered WP/BP users would be service providers which should be able to register and fill in some special fields (i.e. name, description, services they provide, locations where they work); the end users would be their consumers, which should be able to list those providers i.e. by service and location.

All the categorization stuff can be accomplished through taxonomies, it’s kinda easy and I can use multiple filtering criteria, even mix taxonomies with search keywords. It would work great if service providers where a custom post type, but since I need every one of them to log in and update their own data, I think user profiles are the best choice… except that none of this stuff applies to profiles.

Extending profiles with extra fields isn’t the problem, I don’t even need BuddyPress for that. But taxonomizing them… I can’t work it out :S

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