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Re: – ”Launching” Tomorrow



Looks great. I’m in the same home stretch. I’m finishing 2 more features planning to officially launch it on Monday. Woot!

Anyway, just a few thoughts on your home page. I like how you have the 3 things that people can do on your site listed there at the top. The problem is that all 3 look the same and so I skipped over them and kept going down. I’d create a different image for each of the 3 things that will attract my eye and make me want to read what it is. Then, I can identify which I belong with and go from there. Along those same lines, you might want to consider changing it from the verb to the noun. Say Shopper instead of Shop and Seller instead of Sell. I think people relate to that better and will click through knowing which noun they associate with when they visit your site.

I hope this helps.

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