Re: Excerpt function in RC2
Thanks again for your help. Oh, no, this time, I´m gonna tell you something :
<li class=”group-box”>
<div class=”left”>
“><?php bp_the_site_group_avatar_thumb() ?>
<?php $member_count = groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, ‘total_member_count’ ) ?>
<?php echo ucwords($group->status) ?> <?php _e( ‘Group’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?>
<?php if ( $member_count == 1 ) : ?>
<?php printf( __( ‘%d member’, ‘buddypress’ ), $member_count ) ?>
<?php else : ?>
<?php printf( __( ‘%d members’, ‘buddypress’ ), $member_count ) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class=”right”>
<div class=”group-top”>“><?php bp_the_site_group_name() ?><?php bp_group_join_button( $group ) ?>
<div class=”clear”></div>
<span class=”activity”><?php echo bp_core_get_last_activity( groups_get_groupmeta( $group->id, ‘last_activity’ ), __(‘active %s ago’) ) ?></span>
<div class=”excerpt”>
<?php // echo bp_create_excerpt( $group->description ) ?>
<?php bp_the_site_group_description() ?>
<div class=”clear”></div>
thsi is the code from my custom theme file. And here the Css, maybe there is a better solution, but it works:
.group-box{margin:15px auto 10px -30px;height:80px;width:800px;background: url(../images/group_list_item.jpg);
padding:10px 20px 25px 15px;list-style:none;text-align:justify }
.group-avatar img{border:1px solid #686868;height:60px;width:60px}
ul#letter-list li {float: left;height:25px; width:27px;margin-right:5px}
.group-link{text-decoration:none;font-size:16px;color: #ff7f00;float:left}
.activity{font-size:11px;color:#686868; font-style:italic;display:block;margin:0;padding:0}
.leave_group, .join_group{float:right;display:block;padding:4px 0 0 24px;margin:0;font-size:10px;text-decoration:none;
color:#bd2100;height:21px;width:96px;background: url(../../bp-groups/images/leave_group.png);font-weight:bold}
.leave_group:hover, .join_group:hover{text-decoration:underline}
#group-dir-count{margin:0 0 5px 2px;font-size:12px;color:#686868}
Can you still tell me, how I get the recent activities that happened on the page?
I tried to call the function, but all I got, was the time.