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Re: Got banned after asking a simple question?



Thanks for the extra education Jeff! I had no idea akismet would bozo – I’ll need to check my buddypress and bbpress sites for that to see if anyone has been perhaps – I had no idea.

Please note that I was not singling anyone out, I was just frustrated by some short answers on posts that I was looking for the same answer as some other noob.

I have been scouring the forums trying to figure everything mu related out for years, since pre-version1.3 – and still get confused. I also think that technically any BP question is an MU question since you need the MU to run BP – LOL

Thanks for listening, and perhaps with so much crossover between the two, a little sidebar search that shows MU forums posts when we search the BP forums would enlighten some of us as to answers found elsewhere.

I am anxious to see if the new bp 1.1.1 has features built in to adapt the signup email that is sent to new users, and redirects them to a more social page rather then the WP dashboard, or maybe that is still an MU setting and I need to fiddle over on that side of this. I wonder if the redirect stuff that was written here a while back is no longer needed to get that function. I am afraid to upgrade my BP site, as I can’t find instructions for moving the origial BP that was setup in “mu-plugins”.

I totally understand the mod thing, I mod a couple other sites myself, and I try to answer questions I find in WP and MU forums if I know the answer, and post details as much as possible. Thanks for your help, and everyone else that contributes to this project! I couldn’t do 1% of what everyone it doing here!

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