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Re: Help! “Name” field on BP registration page doesn't translate



Hey everyone,

I’m dealing with a similar problem: no matter what I do, I can’t figure out how to make the BP Registration page multilingual, since the Registration/ Sign Up Fields are dynamic I guess, I don’t know how to translate them from EN to IT once I set them up??? Also because at the moment my Italian version is a mixture of the following fields to name just the first 2 that can’t be translated:

Dettagli Account (obbligatorio) –> is fine

Indirizzo Email (obbligatorio) –> is fine

Scegli una Password (obbligatorio) –> is fine

Conferma Password (obbligatorio) –> is fine

Dettagli Profilo –> is fine

Name (obbligatorio) –> here its starts since Name is set in “general settings”

Last Name (obbligatorio) –> and Last Name was added by me in “profile field setup”

Does anyone have an idea how to hack the register.php? Or am I missing something? Please help!

Thanks & Grazie!!!

(my site: WPMU 2.9.1, Buddypress 1.1.3, WPML 1.7.1. & Buddypress Multilingual 0.9.2 )

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