Re: How can I get a paged activity-stream instead of the “Load more”?
This is the code for pagination:
<div class="pagination">
<div class="pag-count"><?php bp_activity_pagination_count() ?></div>
<div class="pagination-links"><?php bp_activity_pagination_links() ?></div>
It is already on that page, but it wrapped in <noscript>
tags. Just remove those tags and should be good for the top of the page. Just repeat that code somewhere at the bottom, preferably just before the <?php else : ?>
To remove to “load More” tab remove or uncomment the following code on that same template:
<?php if ( bp_get_activity_count() == bp_get_activity_per_page() ) : ?>
<li class="load-more">
<a href="#more"><?php _e( 'Load More', 'buddypress' ) ?></a> Â <span class="ajax-loader"></span>
<?php endif; ?>
Also look at this codex page, it could be helpful to show you a number of things: