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Re: How To: Building BuddyPress 1.2 Themes



Thank you Andy. So per your other posts re 1.2 default theme and now the BP documentation, this import path for bp-default

@import url( ../../plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/style.css );

is a confirmation that developers/super admins no longer need to upload the bp-default and bp-sn-parent themes in BP 1.2

To extrapolate: So in effect, plugin/component developers for BP 1.2 cannot ask users to upload plugin-specific themes into bp-default which is now in wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/ because auto-upgrade would delete the buddypress folder. A better way to put it is that plugin/component developers for BP 1.2 should come up with a way to make their plugins work whilst keeping plugin-specific themes within the said plugin (without requiring users to move themes to bp default). Am I reading this right even in a convoluted way :-) ?

Thanks again.

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