Re: I can’t run .php pages directly in my browser. E.g. returns a BP 404 page not f
Thanks @Travel-Junkie, I didn’t realize I could do it that way – I’m new to NextGen. That’s perfect for inserting single images.
But, it doesn’t give you the option of inserting whole galleries and slideshows, that’s what the “Add NextGen Gallery” button does, but it won’t load correctly for me. It should allow you to select a gallery and various other options before inserting the [nggallery id=X] code (or similar) for you.
Like I said, it doesn’t want to load the pop-up correctly because the php file directly requested is blocked some how by WP/BP – all that loads after clicking on the button is the 404 page not found error page:
I’ve hacked at the PHP file that is trying to be loaded and converted it into a html file. Now the pop-up loads correctly, but the lack of dynamicness means the galleries, albums and pictures aren’t loaded into the pop-up. Instead of being able to simply pick a option from a select menu, I’ve made a text field where you can input the gallery ID. It then inserts the code as normal.
This really isn’t ideal, but it will do for now.
Does anyone know how I can allow access to php page at:
Thanks for your help