Re: I would like to disable Email activation
@mazen I just figured out the code to make it work on WP. I’ll add it to my plugin above soon. Here’s the code:
//Automatically log the user in
$user_info = get_userdata($user_id);
do_action(‘wp_signon’, $user_info->user_login);
I tried it a little with WPMU. It kind of works, but there’s some sequencing that needs to happen better. Cause it logs me in, but not before the login box appears in the sidebar. So, it looks like you’re not logged in, but you are. Which is weird, because it’s not happening to me on WP. Although, it’s likely cause on WP I’m hooking to bp_core_signup_user and in WPMU it hooks to wpmu_signup_user_notification.
Who’s for a unified signup process (WPMU and WP) now that they’re one?