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Re: Installation of WPMU and BuddyPress on Local machine




This is truly beyond the scope of the BuddyPress forums. But, since I had some issues when I attemtpted to install WPMU on MAMP several months ago, I feel your pain.

I wrote an article (months ago) for installation of WPMU on MAMP (not MAMP Pro). But, I’m not yet finished with updating my new website, so it is not yet posted.

Here is the crux of the article. I’ve never tried this with XAMPP, so use at your own risk:

  1. Make sure you have the most recent, stable version of WPMU and that it is copied into MAMP where you want it to be.
  2. Read the readme.txt file that comes with WPMU
  3. Do not manually edit either of these two files:

    • wp-config-sample.php file
    • htaccess.dist file

    Unlike single version WordPress, the WPMU installer will take care of creating the proper files using these two as templates. If you need to make changes to either of these files, do so after the installation has succeeded.

  4. WPMU wants to run on Apache port 80. Since OS X comes with a copy of Apache set to run on port 80, you will have issues if OS X is automatically configured to start its own copy of Apache on boot. If so, you’ll have to change that. Check to make sure that the Web Sharing checkbox is unchecked in System Preferences > Sharing
  5. Now fire up your browser and go to localhost:80/index.php and follow the prompts. The path will be different if you’ve installed WPMU in a subdirectory. If so, just add the subdirectory to the url.
  6. In the field for Server Address, you will see the recommendation to use localhost.localdomain instead of localhost. That did not work for me. Instead, I found that I had to use the internal IP address of my computer (a.k.a the local IP address which is always ). I tried the localhost.localdomain address several different times with no success. If you have already tried this, make sure that you delete the wp-config.php file and start all over.
  7. If you’ve done this properly, you should now be seeing a friendly “Installation Finished!” screen. Follow the instructions. Write down your password.
  8. Now, manually enter the address for the admin login screen into your browser’s address bar. If you just hit log in, you may have issues. So, if you are using as the Server Address, you would enter in the browser The path will be different if you’ve installed WPMU in a subdirectory.

Good luck!. Let me know if this works for you.

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