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Re: Integration of friends-activity-feed outside of profile

David Mazza


I have this functionality working on

I had to modify 2 files in bp-activity.

bp-activity-classes.php – I had to make the output of get_activity_for_friends formatted like the other two, I don’t know why it wasn’t already formatted.

bp-activity-widgets.php – I basically copied the code for the sitewide widget and adapted it for the friend feed.

I was also working on the friend rss feed because it doesn’t work at all. You can see that when you go to My Account>Activity>My Friends and click on the RSS feed. Even if you have activity on the page, it won’t show up in the rss feed. I can talk more about where that bug is hiding if anyone is interested.

I would be happy to post my changes somewhere, but unfortunately I don’t know how to abstract this into its own plugin. I think this should probably be part of the default activity plugin anyway.

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