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Re: I\'ve got different themes on different pages



I have the exact same problem. Is there an easier way to fix this?

Can I just overwrite WPMU and Buddypress via FTP? Or do I really need to delete them all first? I just want a step by step, layman terms, of how to go about this. And I suppose I will need to remember my sql db access shame on me I know, but I might just create a new user for that SQL table and use that for access.

I tried just reinstalling Buddypress…deactivated, deleted the files, re-uploaded Buddypress via FTP – then reactived it…so doing that alone did not fix the problem. It still won’t let me select default theme. So I guess I need to do the same for WPMU.

I just don’t want to go through the trouble of deleting WPMU and then re-uploading it – plus all my plugins (which I have backuped).

But from now I I will just ignore the auto-update linky thingy.

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