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Re: Limit Blog Creation to Admins



Ben, I took a look at something similar before. There were multiple requests for limiting the number of blogs a user could create. I came up with the only solution I could find at the time:

bp relies on wpmu’s settings for blog creation. wpmu controls this in the site admin back end. Site Admin > Options > Allow New Registrations. Whatever solution to your request is has to take into that setting in wpmu. It’s basicly an on/off kinda thing. You either can or can’t. It’s not based on user role.

Disabling the registration/signup ‘gimme a blog’ option and you have people still able to create blogs after logging in. Let’s say we set that to ‘Only logged in users can create new blogs.’. It’s a start.

So, now only logged in users can create blogs. The create a blog on registration is gone. Next issue is the need to let certain roles see and use the ‘create a blog’ option.

This exists in the member theme Blogs > Create a Blog and in the admin bar under My Blogs > Create a Blog and My Account > Blogs > Create a Blog.

(Saving this while I dig thru some code…)

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