Re: Links not working. all show homepage. Permalinks are set but will not work?
I believe the problem is solved!
There must be a minor bug in the new version that I believe is hard to trace on production environment.
As many others I started with brand new WP (2.9.2) installation + new BP ( on hosted environment. As many others I have encountered problem with permalinks. Tracing down the issue I have relized that the mint installation provides some strange permalink like “/members//messages/sentbox/” with double slashes in it. Newly (generated) user accounts were just fine “/members/user_name/messages/sentbox/”. I have realised that default “admin” user has an empty “nickname” in the WP mint installation (@ standard WP user profile).
BP uses the EMPTY NICKNAME to generate the PERMALINK and thus it is malfunctioned.
Solution is simple. Go for the Admin user account (inside the WP/WPMU) and check the nickname. Once having the proper nickname your BP site should work just fine.