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Re: Member pages all the same widgets



By backend menus for WP, do you mean you want to totally remove access to the wp-admin area?

This has been a common request by others as well, especially if you have blogs turned off and are trying to hide it completely for subscribers.

If you’re saying that each member still has a blog, but you want them to be able to create new blog posts and manage their blogs through the buddypress interface, that still is not a possibility, and would require an additional plugin (in my opinion) that does not yet (and may never) exist with BP…

It is possible to setup default widgets for blogs, it’s a little tricky though. Also, in order to setup a default member blog, I’ve found the best way to do that is to only give them one option and only have one theme turned on the Site-Admin->Themes area. There may be a way to force a default theme, but I’ve never attempted it yet.

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