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Re: @mentions is confusing to members



Basically I just want to be able to remove/hide the @mentions stuff so it doesn’t confuse my users. Maybe an option or a plug-in that turns this feature on/off. I just want to be able to mimic the public profile of facebook with “Wall, Profile, Pictures” etc…..Around 90% of my questions and complaints are stemming from the lack of understanding of the @mentions and the unwillingness of my community members to learn it. This feature is taking up to much of my time trying to train and educate them on this via support emails ect, so I would just like to be able to just turn it off if possible, yet I don’t want to mess with the core.

Btw….I personally understand and like the @mentions…’s just a huge training issue for me at this time until it’s been baked more.

Any suggestions?

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