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Re: Most effective/stable events plugin?



@Mike Great news from Erwin! Event postings with user interaction are a must for a community to thrive. I’ve added an events section to my classifieds categories (AWPCP plugin – really cool by the way), but that doesn’t integrate at all with BP. It does however allow for recurring events (via re-posting of an ad) as expired ads can be disabled and re-enabled rather than deleted.

@Mariusooms Happy to hear that you’re back to developing, and I hope your move and renovations went well! I’m looking forward to the bp-groupblogs update as well. I’ve tried Group Wiki Extension as a replacement but I’ve encountered a few difficulties with wiki creation, and the media upload/insert interface is confusing for test users.

As for bp-gallery, Brajesh has been dealing with health problems lately, so we’ll have to be patient and wish him well.

My site is going into pre-launch tomorrow… to drum up some members! So, I can honestly tell those daring few that they have a lot of goodies to look forward to!

Now, if we could only hear from Jeff about his privacy component… ;-)

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