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Re: New BP Chat plugin for Buddypress



Here’s the scoop. First of all, BP 1.2 is gonna break a lot of plugin code based on what I’ve seen to date. So I’m not really in a rush to finish BP Chat or BP Twitter until two essential things happen:

1. The upcoming WordPress 3.0 (due in March 2010) is in a reasonable state of Alpha release so that the code base merge of WP and WPMU is good enough for cross-platform developers to actually get busy with modifying their own plugins to work properly.

2. BuddyPress 1.2 gets close to final beta.

When those 2 things happen I will finish both plugins. But that isn’t happening yet. WP devs have only just released a basic WP/WPMU merge over the weekend (Jan 18). I have it installed. I can’t work with it to develop stuff for BP. Too much is still missing. As for BP, 1.2 is coming along. I also have that installed, but there are some bugs that create significant hurdles.

That said, my BP Twitter plugin is essentially done, but some of the code is gonna break in BP 1.2, so I’ll have to fix it before it’s released. BP Chat is basically done in terms of one-to-one chat too, but again, I’m waiting for items 1 and 2 above before I release it because I will definitely have to change the code to work right.

Group chat is gonna have to wait a bit longer. Some of you have had a chance to demo group my chat. It’s cool stuff, it works, but it needs more work, and there’s no sense working to finish it when I know full well that I’ll have to mod the code significantly to work in BP 1.2.

Hang tight folks. I know it’s been a while, but I will release some stuff as soon as technically possible.

And if you’re overly impatient or have mission critical immediate needs, go with something that is already out there, or hire a pro to build you a solution :-)

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