Re: New Code: show forum posts since last visit
I managed to condense this to about 20 lines of code. Try this (4 steps):
1. At very top of file, add:
<?php ob_start(); ?>
2. After <?php wp_head() ?>, add:
if ( bp_has_forum_topic_posts() ) {
global $forum_template; $timestamp=time();
if (isset($_COOKIE[“bp_forum_visits”])) {
$unserialized_cookies = unserialize($_COOKIE[“bp_forum_visits”]);
$unserialized_cookies[$forum_template->topic->topic_id] = $timestamp;
foreach ($unserialized_cookies as $topic_id => $timestamp) {
//keep cookie but unset any serialized data older than 60 days
if( time() > $timestamp+60*60*24*30*2 ) { unset($unserialized_cookies[$topic_id]); }
//NEED HELP HERE: unset cookies for any deleted topics. How to do this?
} else {
$unserialized_cookies = array($forum_template->topic->topic_id => $timestamp);
$serialized_cookies = serialize($unserialized_cookies);
//set the cookie. the whole thing expires in 60 days if there are no forum visits
setcookie(“bp_forum_visits”, $serialized_cookies, $timestamp+60*60*24*30*2, “/”);
} ?>
<?ob_end_flush(); ?>
3. After <td class=”td-title”>, add:
<div style=”float:left; margin-right:5px”>
<?php global $forum_template;
if ($user_topic_visits[$forum_template->topic->topic_id]) {
if ($forum_template->topic->topic_time > date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, $user_topic_visits[$forum_template->topic->topic_id])) {
echo ‘<img alt=”new posts since last visit” src=””>’;
} else {
echo ‘<img style=”width:20px;height:20px” alt=”no new posts since last visit” src=””>’;
} else {
echo ‘<img style=”width:20px;height:20px” alt=”no new posts since last visit” src=””>’;
4. Download the icons and upload them to your own server; edit the src= to point to your own server copy of the icons