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Re: New theme – BuddyBuilder



I’ve decided to release an update to the BuddyBuilder Theme Construction Framework before the release of BP1.3 ‘cuz it looks like it’s still going to be awhile… JJJ is still busy repurposing the BP codebase and there appear to be several dozen open tickets that still need resolving.

So, here’s what you can expect in BuddyBuilder 1.1:

– The “BP/WP” section will be divided into 2 new groups: “Privacy” & “BP Extras”. The “Privacy” group will include all the current “Show to…” features with a new option for each one: “Redirect site visitors”. Selecting this new option will redirect your site visitors to any URL you enter in a new “Site visitor redirect URL” option field.

– In addition to the current “Header” & “Sidebar” options, the Searchbar Location feature (under “Navigation”) will include a new placement option for greater theme flexibility: “Main Menu”.

– There will be 2 Theme Locations available for your WP custom menus: 1 menu labeled “Show to everyone” and 1 labeled “Show to logged-in users only”. The logged-in-users-only menu will, surprise, become visible only once a site member logs into your site.

– New options to show the “Login/Signup” form in the main sidebar, the secondary sidebar, or the header.

– A new feature with preset main menu heights: “Normal”, “Thinner”, “Really Thin”.

– A new Full-Width template for your homepage, also full widgetized.

It’ll take me a few weeks to get all this new stuff coded and tested, so don’t expect the update before mid-March. In the meantime, you can see both BuddyBuilder and the free BuddyLite themes at

Happy theming everyone! :-)

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