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Re: OpenSocial support



My #1 request for BuddyPress is that I be able to link two separate installs – on two different domains. What I want to do is to allow users registered on one install/domain have full access on the other install/domain. I would NOT want universal login. The preferred method would have an option to include trusted domains. Once that was done on both sites, the logins/functions of both sites would be available to all registered users of either site.

Is that what you had in mind? If so, I would like to help with the testing. At present, I have two full MU/BP installs on two separate domains that are both in testing mode. Neither has production blogs or users. Both can be dumped and rebuilt without any loss of data. So, is that a valid sandbox? I can keep one of the domains in test mode for a month (or even more if it is really necessary.) I would like to open the other domain for production within a couple of weeks.

Contact me at webmaster (at) btloc (dot) net if I can be of help.

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