Re: Problems with activation plugin.
Fair enough, hnla. I’ve started a thread at:
but just wanted to chime in and say I was having the same problem. If I don’t get much traction with help on that separate thread, I’ll try posting the details here for the community to track. Thanks for the help. I still can’t seem to get this to function correctly and am considering scraping the site and starting over if I can’t fix this today. (It’s a new install with only a few pages so far)
Just to add to this thread, here is the post I placed on the thread above:
“Hey all,
I’ve gotten this working before for a separate project, but am running into a little difficulty installing Buddypress on this new site. Wondering if someone can help out.
I’ve followed the steps written at:
And am trying to install buddypress on a subdomain (Blog id #5) but after I implement the htaccess redirect and the additional code to the wp-config.php file, I continue to get :
” Permission Denied
Not Found / No Access
The page you are looking for either does not exist, or you do not have the permissions to access it.”
When I try an reinstall the plugin, that subdomain give me the message:
“Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_dtheme_ajax_querystring() (previously declared in /home/gwenda/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/_inc/ajax.php:20) in /home/gwenda/public_html/wp-content/themes/bp-social/_inc/ajax.php on line 63”
Does anyone have a sense of what may be going on and how I can fix this?
(additional post)
btw: I’m using bp-default theme and the switching it to bp-social from wpmudev group. Also, the problem began occurring after I used the Buddypress theme pack.
The default pages that are associated with Buddypress do not appear to be there. Even when I create them by hand, the themes functions, i.e activity, does not appear on the page when it is manually created. (Just a standard page called activity) Just wanted to update the ticket and see if that helped.
Thanks in advance for the help!”