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Re: [RESOLVED] How to activate the slider on the Speed theme?



Sounds like a large image should be attached to post.

1. While either in the Post > Add New or Post > Edit panel in the backend, you need to upload an image with the WP media uploader that will be attached to your post.
2. When that pop-up box appears, click on Link button in middle of the panel to find the URL of that media, copy and save that URL.
3. Then just below the textarea where you posted, you’ll find the custom field box. If you don’t have a key “front_image” yet (in all probability, not), you will add the text front_image and save.
4. Since you’ve now registered the key, choose front_image from the dropdown and then paste the image link URL you got during media upload.
5. Click on Save. That should do it.

Disclaimer: I have not used that theme. I don’t even know if it’s compatible with current BP/WP versions. But the way to add custom fields is correct :-)

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