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Re: [Resolved]”There was An error when creating the Topic” Un-fixable Problem



@hnla, I apologize if I have a rude tone, It’s just I want to get this working! It’s been broken ever since I installed buddypress. :). I am quite confused on your suggestion of checking and un-checking the box, because I have tried all of the options. (un-check, and click save, recheck and click save) And they do not help the problem. And I cannot tell if the bb-config file is in the correct location, because I cannot find it in the first place, and I do not know if ” /var/chroot/home/content/47/6114047/html” is the correct location. (P.S, I am using the Arras Theme).

@mercime, I have indeed deactivated all plugins other than bb, and bb template pack, nothing.

And little more info on the problem, is I am not using the current version of BB, because the latest version just put me on more problems.

And I know for sure it is not the theme that is causing the problem, because, as an experiment, I switched to the BB default theme! Forums still broken.


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